Heather Downs offers golf instruction for all level of players in the Toledo area. Whether you’re an accomplished player or new to the game, our professional staff of instructors is here to assist you at accomplishing your goals. We take pride in our ability to teach students what will help them learn to swing the club better and improve their game.
At Heather Downs, our facilities and teaching aids allow us to provide all students with the tools needed to advance their skills. A large putting green allows students to practice all types of putts, a chipping green with a deep sand trap is perfect for hours of wedge play and our driving range has a large grass tee with four target greens, which enable practice time with every club in the bag.
Golf instruction for groups is available throughout the year at Heather Downs. The Adult Golf Academy, along with the Ladies Golf Academy, are offered on multiple days and times throughout the golf season. Junior golf clinics are scheduled from spring through fall.
Individual instruction will help each golfer map out a game plan to unlock your true potential. Video swing analysis, instructional drills, short game skills assessment and on-course playing lessons are just a few of the tools we will use for you tailored program.
Instruction Rates
45 minute lesson - $40
Short Game Golf School
Do you need to improve your short game? If you answered yes to this question, then you’ve come to the right place. The Short Game Golf School at Heather Downs is a four-lesson program focused on the game of golf from 100 yards and in. Putting, chipping, pitching and wedge play up to 100 yards will be the focus of each lesson. Customized to meet your needs, this program is guaranteed to take strokes off your handicap and improve your game. Call the pro shop to schedule your first lesson today.